The United States recorded it's 19th mass shooting at a school for the year, as a 28-year-old transgender woman reportedly entered the Convent School, armed with 3 licensed guns and opened fire killing 6 people. In the horrific chain of events which spanned 14 minutes, Audrey Hale managed to kill Evelyn Dieckhaus, Hallie Scruggs, Katherine Koonce, all 9 years old and Cynthia Peak, 61, Katherine Koonce, 60, and Mike Hill, 61, who were employed at the school. A nearby team of 5 police officers heard the shots, followed sound, and entered the school where they engaged in an exchange of fire with Hale before she succumbed to her injuries. Initial reports indicate that Hale, who was a former student at the institution had been seeking therapy. Her mother confirmed knowledge of Hale once owning a gun but said that she believed that it had been sold. Hale reportedly planned the entire event with a map of the schol which included the entry points and surveillance to aid in her carry out the heinous act. One person who was present during the shooting stated that this had been the second time she experienced a mass shooting for the year.
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